St Vincent pallotti Secondary School

Education of a child is a collaborative enterprise in nation building. School retains the pivotal position in this enterprise by sustaining a value based and holistic pattern of instruction through synergistic efforts of students, staff, parents and management facilitating social, cultural, environmental, spiritual and intellectual growth in children.

  1. Personal accompaniment of the School in the holistic development of every child
  2. Collaboration among staff, parents, students and management.
  3. Collaboration among the people of good will towards charity and service of humanity.
  4. Education of staff in the light of founder's vision.
  5. Creating awareness in the staff and students for a special preference to the marginalized sections of the society.
  6. To walk along every child to guide them to make right choices in life.
  7. In the pluralistic context of India, help every person to develop respect for diversity and multiplicity, thus orienting young minds for unity.
  8. To create in the young hearts a thirst for the divine and respect for human dignity.

The primary objectives prompt us to create a curriculum that is ever vibrant and challenging for the students, staff and management. In the most practical application of this challenging mission envision a curriculum that is fivefold.

Social Growth

  • Education to respect all
  • Education to engage in harmonious life
  • Education to become agents of peace
  • Education to build egalitarian society
  • Education to know and share the dream of the downtrodden
  • Education to uphold values of democracy
  • Education to value freedom of expression
  • Education to become apostles of social justice

Cultural Growth

Cultural growth takes place when the cultural legacy is preserved, purified, renovated and transmitted to posterity. This takes place through:

  • Education to love one's culture
  • Education to respect other cultures
  • Education to understand and imbibe the values in other cultures
  • Education to share the values of one's own culture with others

Environmental Growth

Environmental Growth will takes place with a realization that we are a part of the environment which is an organism. We are not an entity outside the environment. Preserving the environment is equal to preserving our own lives. To achieve this goal we envisage a curriculum.

  • Education to know the surrounding.
  • Education to preserve and enrich the environment.

Intellectual Growth

The intellectual growth is based on the fundamental belief that every child is meritorious. Identifying and nurturing talents is our commitment and therefore build up them with positive attitudes, life skills and academic excellence.

Religious Growth

The pluralistic and secular fabric of our nation is held in high esteem in this institution and we provide education with this great vision.

  • Education to respect all religions
  • Education to faith in the creator who cares for all
  • Education to realize that we are all God's children
  • Education to praise and thank the Creator in all vicissitudes of life.